No clock, no mirror, no outlet!

I only have two "followers" of my blog, but I know that you are reading my posts, so thank you very much!  I would love to have you "follow" me, so if you are so inclined, please click on the link to follow me along this journey. 

I was thinking how funny my week was so I had to share some of the humor.  

Our countertops were finally installed this week and the final touches completed on the cabinets.  During the process, we discovered that the outlet to the new dishwasher wasn't hot.  Meaning, there wasn't any power going to it.  We knew we needed to contact our electrician friend and have him take a look at it for us.  He gladly came by and fixed the problem.  After he left, however, our bigger problem ensued.  We lost power to our bedroom.  I mean all power, no lights no outlets, which means, no alarm clock, no heater, or blow dryer, etc.  We didn't discover the problem until right around bedtime so we decided to deal with it the next day.  It was pretty cold without heat, but we have a very warm blanket!  I wasn't too worried about the alarm clock situation since John wakes up before the sun most mornings anyway, and I knew he would make sure I was up for work.  He didn't have to wake me up though.  My alarm clock went off anyway, right on time at 6:30 am.  I usually hit the snooze button several times before I am ready to drag myself out of bed, so I rolled over to hit the button and discovered that the button wouldn't work.  The alarm continued to beep.  There was no display, it had no power going to it.  I kept hitting EVERY button on the clock and it continued to beep.  For those of us who take a little longer to arise in the mornings this beeping isn't a welcomed sound.  By this time, John had come into the bedroom to see why I hadn't hit the snooze button on my loudly beeping alarm clock.  I reached down to the outlet and unplugged the annoying clock only to find that since it wasn't getting power it didn't really matter if I unplugged it.  John very nicely took the clock out of the room where Zach began pushing all of the buttons until it finally quit beeping.  

I finally got out of bed a little while later, after taking a little while to recover from all the loud noise that awoke me.  After my shower, I went into the bedroom to blow dry my hair only to remember that there wasn't any power in there.  I grabbed my blow dryer and went into the bathroom.  The one that is connected to my new kitchen.  One problem, when the hood vent was installed over the cooktop the medicine cabinet had to be removed from the bathroom so that more support could be put behind the vent.  It hasn't been put back.  So I couldn't dry my hair in the bathroom because there was no mirror.  So I went to the other bathroom, the one we reserve for guests.  It is an older bathroom, originally added to the house in 1968 and has never had any renovations with the exception of the addition of a shower head and shower surround to water proof the walls.  The only electrical outlet in this bathroom is attached to the light above the sink that can't accept the plug on my dryer so I couldn't dry my hair in that room. I began trying to figure out where I would be able to dry my almost dry hair and finally had to go into Steph's bedroom and wake her up and apologize for the disturbance so that I could get ready for work.  

I have tried really hard not to be a nag during this renovation process, because we have a lot of work to do and nagging won't help anyone, but at this point I had to at least mention to John my dilemma.   He is a fantastic husband!  The next day I had similar problems, but I made due until the next day when I had electricity and a new mirror in the bathroom.  Problem solved!

Until we meet again!


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