Laundry Room Redo

A panoramic view of the functional side of the laundry room. 

 I have often said you should live in a home for a while before you make decisions about design or renovation.  I am so glad we decided to do that with this house.  I am not sure how my grandparents lived in this small space for their entire marriage.  It is clear to me they didn't have storage space.  The fact they only had one child probably made it a little easier for them.  We have one living with us full time and we have the others over to visit and eat often.

My granny didn't have a separate laundry room.  Her kitchen housed the washer and dryer.  It was a small kitchen so having the laundry space in there couldn't have been ideal, although, I never heard her complain.  In a previous post I detailed the renovation project to convert the dining room into the laundry room.  It never really got completely finished so during "phase I" we had the contractor complete the space for us.  They did a great job!

This is the link for the original laundry room post. A real laundry room

We had several issues that needed to be addressed.  When we originally renovated the room John and my dad ran the water lines through the hard wood flooring.  Not my favorite part of the renovation, however, at the time it seemed like the best decision.  During this renovation John moved the water lines into the wall and we had the floor patched.  They added baseboards and crown molding around the whole room.  The hardwood floors were refinished, the windows were framed in, the paint color was changed and we added the barn door!

This is the original laundry space, in the kitchen.
This is my design for the closet shelving. 

The floors were beginning to look really bad, especially in this room.  You can see the holes near the wall and there is some water damage there as well.  This was one of the reasons we decided to go ahead and get the floors refinished.
John and I built this together.  The hamper baskets are fantastic.
They slide in and out and are great for sorting clothes.  The
bar on top is perfect for air drying clothing.  All the shelving
is wonderful.  There may or may not be fabric stored in those
cute green bins. 
Our kids bought us a microwave for Christmas.
We haven't had one actively in use in our home
since 2007.  We found this to be a good home for
said appliance.   The space underneath it hides my
sewing chair.  I designed it to house the kennel,
I sort of like it for the chair, it is out of the way
when not in use.

It is just enough space for my sewing table.  With a great view of the oak tree in the front yard.  I plan to make new curtains but for now, we are using the ones I made a few years ago.
As you can see the floors look brand new.  None of the ugly spots are ugly anymore
This closet is perfect.  Storage for canning supplies and small appliances.
Plus, all the vacuums and mops.
The cabinet to the right
 hides my fabric stash.

The new door is perfect.  John and I built the door and had our contractor install it.  What a wonderful addition.  And, it helps reduce noise from the laundry room too!

I love the way our contractor framed in the shelving we built with the crown molding.  It really makes it all look custom and built in.  Hope you like the redo.

Until we meet again.


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